
Plant dark olive-green, seldom rising
above ground level, subglobose, flattened on top, depressed centrally, 1-3 cm
high, 2-7 cm in diam.; tubercles laterally divergent, elongate basally, becoming
broadly triangular and flattened in the distal portion, usually acute at the
apices, flattened adaxially and slightly fissured, 5-13mm 15mm long, 3-10mm
wide, nearly as broad as long; areoles central longitudinal grooves on the
adaxial surfaces of the tubercles, woolly, 1-3 mm wide, 5-10 mm long; flowers
1.5-2.5cm in diam., 1.8-2.5cm long; outer perianth parts magenta or white,
1.5-2.3cm long, 3-6mm broad; inner perianth parts magenta or white 1.4-2.1 cm
long, 4-6mm broad; pistil rarely exserted above the stamens; style 1.4-1.6cm
long; stigmas 4-6, 1-2mm long; fruit reddish to pinkish, 5-18mm long, 1-3mm in
Very widely distributed as a large number of
discrete populations, generally on limestone derived gypsum silt plains and
hills, at elevations of around 1000-1400 metres. The distribution extends over
600 km, from central Coahuila in the north to Queretaro in the south, and the
species is also found in the states of Zacatecus, San Luis Potosi, Nuevo Leon
and Tamaulipas. The northern populations are characterized by a form, which has
become known as A. kotschoubeyanus. var. macdowellii, this is found to
the west and east of Parras with a range of over 100km from Viesca to Estatcion
Marte in Coahuila. A. kotschoubeyanus. var. macdowellii is a smaller
plant than the type, with small beak-like tubercles and pale mauve flowers,
often with a high white content in the outer petals. In contrast the most
southerly form found in the area around Vista Hermosa in Queretaro, and known as
A. kotschoubeyanus
elephantendens, is a much larger plant with larger, highly textured,
triangulate tubercles, and a deep purple flower with little or no white content.
In Tamaulipas another small growing form of the species occurs with almost white
flowers, this has been described as A. kotschoubeyanus var. albiflorus.
The type species, which is the earliest described and the most studied and
documented form, is intermediate between all the above forms and is to be found
off highway # 80, between El Huisache Junction and Santo Domingo. As with most
other widely distributed species of this Genus there appears to be geographical
clines, in this case a north - south cline and a west - east cline.
All forms and varieties of this species
are worthy of cultivation and help give a feeling of the effect of habitat
geographies. The plants are of easy cultivation in a mineral gritty, clay loam,
limestone compost. A. kotschoubeyanus flowers reliably from mid-August
onwards, and is easy to set seed on, it produces some interesting hybrids with
other Ariocarpus species.
Sun Exposure: |
Full sun |
Origin: |
Mexico (Coahuila to Queretaro) |
Growth Habits: |
Rosette shaped succulent, up to 3 inches in
diameter (7.5 cm) |
Watering Needs: |
Little water, needs excellent drainage |
Propagation: |
Seeds |
With this cacti family (Ariocarpus) the biggest part of the cactus is under
the ground as you can see on the photo above. When these cacti are held at home
you must be carefull not to give them to much water because the roots can rot
very fast. Because of this problem the are sometimes put halfway into the ground
in staed of intierly. These cacti also don`t grow very fast and they don`t
contain many sorts of drugs.